Calafia County
Nde KaiYah Shima Tribal Trust Nation
Turtle Island ↔ North America-usa
within the County of Calafia
A Tribal Land Trust Nation
with Treaties with other Nations
our Government is through the
Embassy for
The California (de jure) Assembly, created to provide structure, understanding, of the Natural Laws of Sovereignty for "We the People."
FACT: A sovereign state is a state that has the highest authority over a territory.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, a government not under another, and the capacity to interact with other sovereign states.
It is also commonly understood that a sovereign state is independent.
That has NOTHING to do with being a CITIZEN...
Our Community and Assembly focus for Our Tribal Land Trust Nation is to prepare Our children to be properly educated, to become self-governance within our community and 'Our future' to insure Our children are guaranteed to go further.
Our Community and Assembly provides leadership Through our Tribal Land Trust Nation
and support to Our indigenous, tribal families, and diplomats and national inhabitants of Our Supreme state of Grace "California (de jure)" on the land in honor of Queen Calafia
within a private County, a Nation.
Our Community and Assembly goal is to assess needs and develop solutions for mutual benefit and the restoration of Our de jure
Tribal Land Trust Nation “California.”
Our History:
The California (de jure) Assembly began meeting privately in February 2010.
Our Motto:
“In God We Trust”
Our Joint Focus:
1. The children in our community
a. Created All 4 U Community Center 2004,
public September 2010.
b. Youth Stadium created June 2020,
approved 2022.
c. Youth Sports Stadium created June 2020,
approved 2022.
d. Youth advance facility (incorporate higher learning and technical advance programs) plans approved 2022.
More to come.
e. All 4 U Foundation created 2006.
f. Youth assistance programs:
i. Backpacks, shoes, food program, community events and so much more
ii. All 4 U Youth Sports League created 2008,
public September 2010
g. Scholarships, Sporting Events, Training Camps, College field trips and so much more
2. The Community
a. County of Calafia created 2012 on the land.
in honor of Calafia
b. Embassy de jure created 2012 to honor this
Tribal Trust Land Nation.
c. All 4 U Preparatory Academy K-12 (NGO) created 2016, public June 2020.
3. To Assist the people
a. In understanding their rights, and
b. Fulfilling their duties to create wealth, allowing their issue a grand future.
We became lawfully formed after confirmation of success of our land patent claim as of the
29th day of July 2010.
As of 2012, the Tribal Land Trust Nation established
our own Embassy
Which includes our own government
“California (de jure) Assembly”
lawfully formed, operating in a private capacity with MCT Private Equity Management Ca State Agency
for We The People.